Currently Working On

I am always working on new projects while currently based in Los Angeles. If anything here interests you, please consider supporting the project however you can!

Scroll to see what I’m working on now! ↓

Fables And Rumors Productions

F&R graphic created by Jason Pollak

In the summer of 2023, I was brought onto Fables And Rumors Productions’ first production, Valley of Light, as a marketing manager and cast member. I was later on brought as a producer.

I am now one of the lead producers of the company, and we continue to develop projects that promote the power of exciting and new stories. This upcoming fall, Fables And Rumors Productions is producing its third production that is completely different from anything we have made before, and I am ecstatic to present it to the world.

Until our new project is announced, you can keep up with Fables And Rumors Productions on social media @fablesandrumors on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube!

