
I became involved with production during my time at university, when I became Literary Chair and then Vice President on the board of USC’s Impulse Theatre Company.

Scroll to see some of my most recent work! ↓

Where Within

Where Within graphic created by Haley Adams

Fables And Rumors Productions’ second production, Where Within premiered at the 2024 Hollywood Fringe Festival in June. I had the delight of being one of the show’s executive producers as a lead producer of Fables and Rumors, as well as the marketing lead. Where Within is a new, family-friendly musical. Inspired by Celtic folklore and woven together with a simple story of learning to trust and support others during times of immense change, Where Within speaks to the importance of facing the unknown together.

All profits and donations from Where Within went towards supporting Young Storytellers, a nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles that equips young people to be the driving force of their own narratives. We are proud to have raised $1,036.77 for an wonderful cause.

Below is the full professional recording of the show, which we have uploaded in full to YouTube.

For more information on the show, check out @fablesandrumors on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

Είναι Όλα Ελληνικά Για Μένα (It's All Greek to Me)

I wrote the original script for Είναι Όλα Ελληνικά Για Μένα (It's All Greek to Me) when I was a freshman at USC and developed it over the years into the fully realized, multilingual film it is now. Thanks to a team of capable and talented collaborators who helped me produce my script, I had the chance to direct and star in my work.

This story is very close to my heart because it is based on my real-life experiences. It talks about the complicated pain of being unable to properly communicate with extended family; the feelings of inadequacy many second-generation immigrants feel growing up bilingual-ish; and, at its core, it is about two cousins connecting through the intersections of their identities despite their limited conversation. I hope those who can relate to this film know they are not the only ones, and those who cannot relate learn something new.

Below is the trailer and full film!

Valley of Light

Show promotional graphic created by Jason Pollak

I was brought onto Valley of Light as an actor and marketing manager, but I was soon after asked to be a co-producer. I happily obliged; I have never believed in the artistic integrity of a show more than I have with this project. Valley of Light is a new post-apocalyptic musical about stories; the ones we tell each other, and the ones we tell ourselves. The ensemble cast crafts a legend at the end of the world, where the earth has crumbled, and civilization has been reclaimed by flowers and creeping vines. We produced this show at The Broadwater Main Stage as part of the 2023 Hollywood Fringe Festival, where it received a notable amount of acclaim from audiences and critics.

Below is the full professional recording of the show, which we have uploaded in full to YouTube. Additionally, you can find the live recordings (as well as some bonus tracks) on our YouTube page!

For more information on the show, check out @fablesandrumors on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

The Showroom

Show promotional graphic created by Jesse Brindze

Creative Lead & Producer

After acting in Last Call Theatre’s Production of Signals, my creative partner Jason Pollak and I decided to pitch them The Showroom, an immersive mystery set in the Infinite IKEA. The show is based on and expands upon pre-existing SCP Foundation lore, in which a settlement inside the Infinite IKEA (aka SCP-3008) has been fully locked down after a murder has taken place. As of now, no one can know for sure who is an SCP and who is a human that was trapped, and it’s up to the audience to help sort it out and possibly discover a way to free the humans from SCP-3008 entirely. My co-creator and I took on the roles of co-writers, co-producers, and co-directors—I had the pleasure of developing an immersive theatrical experience by leading a production team during meetings every week and a cast during rehearsals every day. The Showroom was livestreamed over Tiktok, and all three livestreams were uploaded on YouTube with a cumulative 15k views.

For more information, check out

Speech & Debate

Show promotional graphic created by Katie Otter

Director & Producer

The fall semester of 2021, I brought an artistic vision of Speech & Debate by Stephen Karam to life through Impulse Theatre Company. I fell in love with Speech & Debate while reading it for a summer theatre program my Junior year of high school, and even now it remains my favorite contemporary play. The endearing nature of this dark comedy comes, to me, from the uncomfortableness of youth coupled with the shamelessness of these characters. It is solidarity as I’ve never seen it before, through the upbeat awkwardness of teenagers who often do and say the wrong things but still choose to stick together. That’s the story I want to tell and have had the privilege to bring to life.

Impulse Theatre Company

Vice President & Literary Chair

Impulse is USC’s only independent student production company specifically focused on producing works based in contemporary realism. This theatre company fuels my passion for creative development and production, particularly when it comes to theatrical realism.

My position on the board requires leading the board and productions, compiling research and dramaturgy for productions, reading and evaluating scripts for current and upcoming seasons, supervising scripts when producing new works/adaptations, and writing material for the newsletter and/or social media.

For more information, check out and @uscimpulse on Instagram


Currently Working On


Marketing & Social Media